It’s coming up on that time of year when mosquitoes and all sorts of biting bugs invade us. There are a lot of people, me included, that have a chemical in our body that attracts these pesky insects! These insects can ruin our fun outdoors and some of the carry diseases. Mosquitoes carry such times as dengue, malaria, West Nile virus, and the Zika virus.
Below is a list of some of the essential oils you can use to keep these pesky insects away (these also work to keep ticks and fleas away):
- Basil Essential Oil
- Cedarwood Essential Oil
- Citronella Essential Oil
- Lavender Essential Oil
- Lemon Essential Oil
- Thyme Essential Oil
- Geranium Essential Oil
- Peppermint Essential Oil
- Eucalyptus Essential Oil
- Clove Essential Oil
- Lemongrass Essential Oil
- Tea Tree Essential Oil
- Orange Essential Oil
- Pine Essential Oil
- Juniper Essential Oil
- Grapefruit Essential Oil
- Oregano Essential Oil
I have several different recipes you can use to deter these pesky insects. I have found if I spray this recipe on my before I go outside to work in the yard, relax on the deck, or for playing with the grand-kids, I no longer have to worry about insect bites.
Bugs-Be-Gone Spray
8 oz glass spray bottle
Witch Hazel
10 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
10 drops Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil
10 drops Citronella Essential Oil
10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Put all the essential oils in the 8 oz spray bottle and fill up with Witch Hazel. Spray on arms, chest, back, shoes, legs and cuff of pants before going outside. This is an animal safe recipe. Keep out of your eyes.
Bugs-Be-Gone Lotion
4 oz glass jar with lid
4 oz Virgin Coconut Oil
8 drops Citronella Essential Oil
8 drops Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil
8 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
8 drops Lavender Essential Oil
8 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
8 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Put the Virgin Coconut Oil in a glass bowl. Take a spoon and mash down a hole in the center of the coconut oil to hold the oils and add all the essential oils. I manually try to mix in the essential oils and coconut oils with a metal spoon and then use the blender to make sure they are mixed real good. Scoop out the mixture into your 4 oz jar and put the lid on it. Keep in a cool, dry place.
Bugs-Be-Gone Diffusing
3 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
3 drops Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil
3 drops Citronella Essential Oil
3 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Place all the essential oils into your favorite diffuser. Set the diffuser for intermediate speed and enjoy a bug free atmosphere!
Insect Stings and Bites
10 ml dropper bottle
Carrier Oil of your choice
50 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
50 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Put essential oils into the 10 ml roller bottle and fill with a carrier oil of your choice. Rub it on the insect sting or bite and watch the itching and swelling go away. My granddaughter is bad to run outside without using the spray above and when she does she runs into the house for her roller bottle. She actually had me make one for her personally.
HINT: I keep a bottle of Purification essential oil with me at all times during the summer. I have an AromaGlide Roller Fitment on it. If you are at the lake or swimming pool and want bug protection, just roll Purification essential oil on the bottom of your feet. It doesn’t take but a couple of minutes to soak in and you are ready to take off bare foot again!
NOTE: If you are using essential oils on a child, please refer the the dilution chart below!

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