Helichrysum essential oil, also known as Immortelle and Everlasting, is know for it’s supports the body’s natural ability to fight inflammation. Be cautious when using Helichrysum if you are taking any anticoagulant medication like Warfarin, aspirin, etc. Traditional Mediterranean medical practices have been using Helichrysum essential oil for centuries for allergies, acne, colds, cough, skin inflammation, wound healing, constipation, indigestion, acid reflux, liver disease, gallbladder disorders, muscle/joint inflammation, infections, candida, insomnia, stomachaches, and bloating.
Helichrysum is a self-seeding plant (from the sunflower family) which grows native in rocky and sandy terrains throughout the Mediterranean. It is typically harvested from Young Living’s farm in Split, Croatia. The flower is carefully harvested and steam distilled. It has a fruity, sweet aroma with overtones of honey and nectar. In ancient times, Helichrysum flowers were dried and offered to the Greek Gods as an offering.
Topically the primary benefits of Helichrysum essential oil is it helps skin recover quickly, promotes healthy liver function and supports localized blood flow. Aromatically it helps to relieve stress, eases feelings of hopelessness and ease emotions of anger, frustration or trauma.
How to use Helichrysum Essential Oil:
Aromatic: Diffuse 3 times daily up to 1 hour each time or directly inhale Helichrysum has an uplifting scent to the subconscious. The fresh earthly scent is invigorating and will perk you right up and help ou to refocus on things.
Dietary: Take as a dietary supplement
Topical: Apply 2-4 drops on the temple, forehead, back of neck, outside of ear, the chakras points, and/or Vita Flex points. Add a few drops of Helichrysum and Peppermint to your carrier oil and knead into sore muscles. Fighting dry skin? Add a few drops of Helicrysum, and Lavender to your carrier oil and gently massage the mixture into your skin. Apply Helichrysum to your face to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. NOTE: Dilution with a carrier oil is not required except for the most sensitive skin.
ORAC Value: 1,740 µTE/100g
NOTE: If you are using essential oils on a child, please refer the the dilution chart below!

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