Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon Essential OilLemon (Citrus limon) is one of Young Living‘s single oil blends.  Containing the naturally occurring constituent limonene, Lemon is a key component in many popular essential oil-infused products. Lemon is used worldwide in cleaners and soaps for its refreshing scent.  It’s plant origin is from California and Italy and it’s ORAC value is 660 µTE/100g.

The extraction method for Lemon Essential Oil is cold pressed from the rind and it takes 3,000 lemons just to produce 1 kilo of essential oil (that’s 2.20462 lbs).

“Lemon oil has been widely used in skin care to cleanse skin, reduce wrinkles, and combat acne.  Lemon peel was used as an carminative, diuretic, eupeptic, a vascular stimulant and protector, and as a vitamin (Arias, et al., 2005).  It is also used as a flavorant, for cleaning, cooking, and to treat scurvy and a variety of other ailments.” (Young, 122)

Lemon’s medical properties are “rich in limonene, which has been extensively studied in over 50 clinical studies for its ability to combat tumor growth”. (Young, 122)


Lemon Essential Oil can be used for:

  • circulatory problems
  • arteriosclerosis
  • obesity
  • parasites
  • urinary tract infections
  • varicose veins
  • anxiety
  • hypertension
  • digestive problems
  • acne
  • tumors
  • microcirculation
  • immune stimulant
  • memory
  • relaxation

It can be diffused, directly inhaled, taken as a dietary supplement, or applied topically.

NOTE:  Lemon is photo-toxic and after applying to the skin, avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours.

NOTE:  If you are using essential oils on a child, please refer the the dilution chart below!

Works Cited:

Young, Gary. Essential Oils Desk Reference.6th ed. Lehi: Life Science Publishing, 2014. Print.

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