“Take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and touch the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin. None of you shall go out of the door of his house until the morning.” Exodus 12:12 ESV
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) essential oil is one of Young Living‘s single oil blends and can be purchased in the “Twelve Oils of Ancient Scripture Kit“ or as an individual essential oil. Hyssop has a slightly sweet scent and was considered a sacred oil by ancient Egyptians and Greeks. I
t helps promote a healthy respiratory system.
Epileptics need to avoid the use of Hyssop essential oil.
It’s plant origin is France, Hungary, and Utah and it’s botanical family is Lamiaceae.
It’s ORAC value is 20,900 µTE/100g.
“While there is some uncertainty that Hyssopus officinalis is the same species of the plant as the hyssop referred to in the bible, there is no question that H. officinalis has been used medicinally for almost a millennium. It has also been used for opening the respiratory system.” (Young 112)
Hyssop Essential Oil uses are:
- respiratory infections/congestion
- parasites (expelling worms)
- viral infections
- circulatory disorders
In the Bible, Hyssop oil was one of the principal spices of the holy anointing oil discussed in Exodus 12:12. Hyssop is found 12 times in the Bible:
- Exodus 12:22
- Leviticus 14:4
- Leviticus 14:6
- Leviticus 14:49
- Leviticus 14:51
- Leviticus 14:52
- Numbers 19:6
- Numbers 19:18
- 1 Kings 4:33
- Psalm 51:7
- John 19:29
- Hebrews 9:19
It can be diffused, directly inhaled, used as a culinary herb, dietary supplement, or diluted with a carrier oil for topical application.
NOTE: If you are using essential oils on a child, please refer the the dilution chart below!

Young, Gary. Essential Oils Desk Reference.6th ed. Lehi: Life Science Publishing, 2014. Print.
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