“I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.” Song of Solomon 2:1 ESV
Rose of Sharon/Cistus (Cistus ladanifer) essential oil is one of Young Living‘s single oil blends and can be purchased in the “Twelve Oils of Ancient Scripture Kit“ or as an individual essential oil.
Cistus is believed to be the biblical rose of Sharon, and its honey-like fragrance is soothing and uplifting.
It’s plant origin is Spain and it’s botanical family is Cistaceae. It’s ORAC value is 3,860 µTE/100g.
“Cistus is also known as “rock rose” and has been studied for its effects on the regeneration of cells.” (Young, 81)
Rose of Sharon Essential Oil is used for:
- hemorrhages
- arthritis
It can be diffused, directly inhaled, taken as a dietary supplement, or applied topically.
NOTE: If you are using essential oils on a child, please refer the the dilution chart below!

Young, Gary. Essential Oils Desk Reference.6th ed. Lehi: Life Science Publishing, 2014. Print.
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